SUSTANON 250 (Testosterone Mix)


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For out of season there the athlete is no anabolic steroid more important or beneficial than testosterone. High levels of testosterone will promote a significant increase in muscle mass and strength.

Sustanon one of many options of injectable testosterone in the UK, also known as Sustanon 250, is an oil-based injectable consisting of four different testosterone esters: testosterone propionate (30mg), testosterone phenylpropionate (60mg), testosterone isocaproate (60mg) and tesosterone decanoate (100mg).

Sustanon injections were originally developed for patients to receive the fast-acting benefits of testosterone over an extended period. The idea of using a combination of short and long duration esters was for people to be able to inject every 2-3 weeks.

More recently, Sustanon has become popular in bodybuilding circles for its androgenic properties and sustained release of testosterone. Although, Sustanon is not available for prescription in the United States and is only available on the black market there. However, In the UK and Europe, Sustanon is available by prescription.

Almost all TRT literature from the US (the biggest market for TRT) focuses on testosterone enanthate, cypionate and propionate. As such, patients diagnosed with low testosterone in the UK may be wary of treatment with Sustanon because of its reputation as a ‘designer steroid.’

Buy Sustanon

The Truth About Sustanon Injections

The combination of four different esters in Sustanon gives it a higher perceived value in the eyes of many people. In truth however, Sustanon has the same effects and benefits as other testosterone preparations.

As mentioned, the intention of Sustanon was for people to  inject every 2-3 weeks. This sounds great in practice – less needles means less hassle right? Sadly not. This type of injection frequency inevitably produces what Sustanon was meant to prevent: Peaks and valleys in blood testosterone levels.

This is because the half life , i.e. the time period required for the concentration of a drug in the body be reduced to one half, of the testosterone esters in Sustanon vary from 2 days to 2 weeks. So over the course of 2-3 weeks, blood testosterone levels will drop.

Therefore, the recommendation is to inject Sustanon every 5 days. This ensures you maintain stable blood testosterone levels and avoid the peaks and valleys of low frequency Sustanon injections.

The manufacturer of Sustanon produce it in glass ampoules. Therefore, they are not as easy to use as the re-usable vials seen in the US. It does take some practice, however once you know how to do it the process is straightforward.

Sustanon Side Effects in Testosterone Replacement Therapy

As a direct testosterone product, Sustanon has the same side effects as other testosterone preparations.

There are two types of side effects that you should consider with testosterone replacement therapy. The first are estrogenic side effects, these include:

  • Water retention / puffiness
  • Bloating
  • Sensitive nipples
  • Mood swings
  • Gynecomastia

it may be necessary for some patients undergoing TRT to take an anti-estrogen such as a Arimidex or Aromasin to curtail estrogenic side effects.

You must also consider the androgenic side effects of Sustanon/TRT, they include:

  • Acne
  • Oily skin
  • Body and facial hair growth
  • Male pattern baldness (for those predisposed to baldness)

Sustanon, as with any other form of testosterone, will produce negative side effects when taken in non-clinical/surpraphysiological doses. However, proper dosage and regular injection frequency will mitigate virtually all side effects. Therefore, it is of critical importance to always seek treatment from a reputable doctor.

Remember, testosterone is a fundamental hormone to the human body. And so the body readily accommodates it:

Bio-identical testosterone is NOT the same as a synthetic steroid that is a derivative of the testosterone molecule. Buy Sustanon

Final Thoughts

When used properly, Sustanon is an option for testosterone replacement therapy.

Some NHS doctors in the UK avoid Sustanon due to concerns with peaks and valleys when injecting every 2-3 weeks.  However, they miss the point entirely.

Unfortunately, the lack a basic understanding of pharmacology and ester half lives. Therefore, they prefer to prescribe Nebido under the false impression it’s more stable than Sustanon. Or perhaps they like the fact that patients need to inject less with it, either way it’s the patient that suffers.

The experience of Sustanon both personally and with patients has been very positive.  Almost like clockwork, the combination of esters means you can accurately predict blood levels of testosterone. This makes it a very reliable method for testosterone replacement.

It must be noted that individuals with a peanut allergy should not consider Sustanon because it contains peanut oil.

If you want to discuss the potential options for testosterone replacement therapy, get in contact with us today


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